- 1. Water & Plant Engineering, Engineered Soils & Sustainable Treatment
- 2. Urban and Rural Planning
- 3. Marine Specialized Studies
- 4. Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Services
- 5. Energy & Water Efficiency Management
- 6. Soil, Water Sampling and Modelling
- 7. Geographical Information System(GIS) and Remote Sensing
- 8. Environmental Management
- Groundwater Availability Assessment (Site selection of Boreholes)
- Boreholes Drilling & Drilling Supervision
- Geophysical, Hydrological Survey & Recommendations
- Geo-technical Investigation & Geo-monitoring
- Algae, Scaling and Salinity Treatment-Nano Catalytic Instant Water Converter (NCIWC)
- Transport systems
- Conveying and Comminution
- Flue Gas Desulphurization Plant
- pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy
We custom blend soils using our computerized applications, controlling the quality from processing and screen through to delivery. Our Soil Specialists will help you select the perfect mix for your application
- Land-use Plans & Land-cover Mapping
- Pervious and Impervious Classification
- Urban Rural Cadastral Mapping
- Aerial Mapping for Industries and Agriculture
- Master Plan Preparation
- Baseline Studies
- Marine water quality guidelines
- Ballast water surveys
We are advancing climate resilience by finding ways to adapt and rebound
- Climate change risk and vulnerability assessments
- Climate science, research and analysis
- Policy and planning
- Climate resilient infrastructure
Energy and water efficiency is more important and high-profile than ever for businesses due to the increase in energy and water costs.
- Benchmarking
- Preventative Maintenance Program
- Energy management systems
- Comprehensive Full-Service Water Management Programs
- ROI Analysis for Highest-Value Opportunities
- Water Safety, Management and Stewardship
- Soil, Core Logging & Geo-chemical Sampling
- Sampling for Chemical & Microbiological Water Quality
- Water Network Systems Modelling
- Flood Monitoring Modelling
- GIS Spatial Database Development
- Web GIS
- Cartography and Map Production
- Geodata Production and Editing
- ArcHydro; GIS for Water Resources
- Topography Survey
- Decision Support System
- DGPS Survey Support System
- Time Series & Change Detection Analysis
- Feature Extraction & Mapping Outputs
- Pre & Post Processing of Imagery
- Strategic Environmental Impact Assessments
- Environmental Management Plans
- Landfill Site Locating and planning
- Waste Auditing
- Sewerage, Oxidation Ponds Solution